Entries by Katharine Giovanni

How to Spot a Scam Email

I’ve received quite a few scam emails recently. One in particular wanted to hire us to do dozens of things for them. Let’s overlook the obvious fact that I don’t offer this service. This scam places a legitimate order for services/products from your company. All of a sudden they get desperate and need everything immediately! […]


Does Kindness Impact Revenue?

Need more clients? Kindness is the key in today’s world. In these uncertain times, kindness is needed now more than ever. We are all stressed. Everyone. This means that there is plenty of anger to go around. So when you are actually kind to someone, it stands out. It’s similar to the old lighthouses that […]

My #1 Social Media Tip

Do you just go to social media and post your stuff and then click off? Just posting “your” stuff might get you a few clients, but engaging with your followers will help you more. People enjoy working with their friends, so allowing them to get to know you will get you farther faster. Also, if […]


How To Spot A Liar

How can you tell that a person is genuine? First, pay attention to your gut. How do they make you feel? Is your intuition quiet or telling at you to walk away?  Whatever it’s telling you, trust it. That being said, here are some more hints that they might not be telling you the truth. […]

Flour Soup

I was thinking about heroes and earth angels this morning as I was drinking my coffee. I have had the pleasure of knowing a few heroes over the course of my life. Earth angels who made us all better people. I wrote the following story years ago about one of my heroes and think it’s time […]