Entries by Katharine Giovanni

I Got Nothing

Want to know one of the secrets to success at anything? Change your words. I’m serious, change your words and you will change your life. Let me give you a few examples… For a long time I would add the words “I got nothing” to the end of my sentences. I used it when I […]

Being Interviewed? Here’s a tip…

A reporter has left you a voice mail … what do you do? Answer the message immediately. In fact, you should answer it within the hour or sooner. Reporters always have a deadline they have to meet and often are calling you at the last possible second. I can’t tell you how many reporters have […]

5 Tips about your website that you need to know

What many of you don’t know is that I have been quietly designing WordPress websites for years now. Mostly for my own company, but I have done client websites over the years. It started way back in 1995 when we couldn’t afford to pay someone to do it. Sadly, in those days there was almost […]

How to Spot a Scam Email

I’ve received quite a few scam emails recently. One in particular wanted to hire us to do dozens of things for them. Let’s overlook the obvious fact that I don’t offer this service. This scam places a legitimate order for services/products from your company. All of a sudden they get desperate and need everything immediately! […]