Are you living your best life? No? Do you quietly dislike the people who post about the fantastic things going on in their life? Good for them you say out loud, while you silently wonder what you’re doing wrong. Why can’t my life be like that? Actually, you’re not doing anything wrong believe it or […]

How do concierge get their clients into the best restaurants? Magic! Actually, we have a bunch of techniques that we use to get our clients a table. Below are a few. 1. Use an App such as… 2. @LastMinuteEatin – If you are in New York City, you can go to their […]

Anger. An emotion we all think we should avoid. An emotion that we were taught was “bad.” At least I was when I was a child. Is it bad though? In certain situations, yes. In others, no. Anytime I’ve radically changed my life for the better, it always started with me getting angry about the […]