In two weeks Ron and I are moving out of the home we’ve lived in for 18 years. We’ve bought a new home near the beach and will be relocating in a few weeks. Time to turn the page and go to that next chapter. Into the unknown. As I sit here at my desk […]

That’s a good question that’s been asked for years. We all know that a good captain is last to leave the ship, and the leader of a wolf pack always leads from behind. Yes, nice people get screwed sometimes. I agree. However, being nice also has the advantage that people will both like AND trust […]

Faith is hard. Why? Mostly because it’s hard to have faith in something you can’t see, touch or smell. I can feel it in my heart, but I can’t see it, and I certainly can’t touch it. It becomes especially hard when your brain is talking you out of something your heart is telling you […]