On the eve of my 59th birthday, I am thankful.

Thankful that I have lived past the age when my mother died.

Thankful of my husband of 28 years, who catches me every time I fall.

Thankful of my sons who are my world.

Thankful for all that I have, and all that I don’t.

I have survived cancer, financial hardship, family and friend’s deaths, and the mean girls who bullied me as a child.

I am still here. You are still here.

I am happy right now. In this moment.

Tomorrow will come when it comes, and it will bring what it brings.

With my family by my side, and some good friends at my back. Together we will brave the new storms that come along and move forward. We will do this together.

Take a deep breath.


Now let it out.

Feel that?

It’s right in between that breath and the next one.

It happens so fast you miss it.

That’s peace.

It might only be for a nano-second, but it is there.

Try it again. This time look for that feeling in between breaths.

Peace in this moment.

Now take that feeling with you today.

And when something goes nuts?  Take a breath and find that peace again.