I’ve been getting quite a few calls and emails from concierge having trouble getting clients. Everyone is scared of the coronavirus and the independent concierge industry, like others, is taking a hit. Here are some of my thoughts…

First, I think now is a great time to offer your errand running/delivery service. Get the word out! People who are quarantined at home will still need supplies. I suggest you contact hospitals, doctors and offer your services to them. You can contact daycare centers and schools who might have to close. Let them know that you are there to help!!!

You can also reach out to Amazon, Whole Foods… anyone who is making deliveries right now. They are slammed and need tons of help.

Here is an article about how to protect yourself from the coronavirus while you are out running errands. Possibly the best one I’ve read yet…


You could also start a nice side hustle to get more revenue flowing into your house…

Until next time!