
An emotion we all think we should avoid.

An emotion that we were taught was “bad.”

At least I was when I was a child.

Is it bad though?

In certain situations, yes.

In others, no.

Anytime I’ve radically changed my life for the better, it always started with me getting angry about the situation I was in.

I couldn’t stand “whatever it was” any longer. I was fed up and wanted change.

So I changed.

Anger forced me to.

It was the emotion that made me walk across the bridge to a new way of living.

Do other emotions help you change?


But at the end of the day, sometimes you just need to get really pissed off about it.

Listen, doing the same thing over and over again while thinking that THIS TIME will be different, is not going to get you going in that new direction. Instead, it’s guaranteed to keep you exactly where you are right now.

Now please know I’m not talking about red hot anger that might hurt someone. I am merely suggesting that sometimes, in order to move in a new direction, you need to get really irritated with your situation. That gets your brain out of the fog and moving forward. It lets the energy in your body move. You get fed up and finally decide to change.

Is change scary?

Yes it is.

If you change are you guaranteed success?

Sadly no.

It DOES however guarantee that you are finally moving towards your goal. You’re not stagnant any longer.

The energy is moving, and that makes you feel better.

So get irritated.

Go ahead. It’s fine.

Scream into a pillow. Really scream. You’ll feel better.

Call a friend and vent about it to them. Get it all out.

What happens if you fail on this new road of yours?

Nothing. You try again. Just get up off the ground, dust yourself off, eat a pint of ice cream, and try again.

I’ve failed.

A lot.

You know what I did when it happened?

I tried again.

With the help of the little bird that sits on everyone’s shoulder, and my inner circle of close friends and family, eventually I get where I’m supposed to go.

So get angry!

Safely of course.

That bridge to change is just up ahead.

You got this!