Uncover and Release the Past Lives Holding You Back—Transform Through Forgiveness

You can live the life your soul intended—right now.

I totally get what it’s like when destiny won’t stop tapping you on the shoulder, telling you to be who you really are. Trust me, you can try to ignore it, but it’s like that annoying song you can’t get out of your head—you won’t escape. I spent years crammed in the ‘intuitive closet,’ so to speak—it was cozy for a while, but I quickly outgrew it. Now I’m out, and ready to help you step into the space you were always meant to have!

Even if your path feels elusive, I can help you access the information you need to start living a more joyful and fulfilling life. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want? More joy and happiness?

I’m Not a Fortune Teller

My purpose is to assist you in discovering your soul’s purpose. I’m here to guide you onto the path—or back to the path—you were meant to follow.

How Does It Work?

We uncover which of your past lives is interfering with this lifetime. The angels provide me with messages to share with you. This isn’t your first rodeo. You’ve lived many lives, experiencing a vast range of people and circumstances. Some of those lives were wonderful, others were traumatic.

Why Do Past Lives Affect Us?

It’s the traumatic ones that trip us up.

When you endure severe trauma in a past life, the residual energy attaches to your soul until you’re ready to clear it. This energy manifests in your current life as phobias, fears, illness, relationship struggles, and other challenges.

During our session, the angels will reveal the past life that’s affecting you most right now. By understanding its influence, you can release old patterns and begin healing. This insight will help explain your current struggles and emotions, and show you the root causes of physical, emotional, or psychological pain. As you release these old patterns, you’ll gain clarity, recognize recurring issues, and heal unresolved wounds.

At the end of the session, we’ll complete a forgiveness exercise to free you from the past traumas and experiences we uncover, allowing you to move forward unhindered.

A Real-Life Example

A young man in his late twenties contacted me for a session because he couldn’t sleep. Not just the occasional restless night—he suffered from relentless, night-after-night insomnia that left him exhausted and unable to focus. He had tried everything: doctors, medication, books, articles, advice from friends—nothing worked. Desperate, he was willing to try anything. A friend recommended me, so he reached out.

When we began the session, I immediately sensed the depth of his struggle. He burst into tears, completely at his wit’s end.

As we talked, the angels revealed a past life to me. In that lifetime, he was a well-respected sheriff in a peaceful town. He deeply loved his wife and was happy.

One night, as he slept, his wife smothered him with a pillow and took his life—she had been having an affair and wanted to be with another man.

After a moment of silence, my client admitted he had struggled with trusting women his entire life. Then he said something remarkable: he felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted.

A week later, I followed up with him. He told me he was finally sleeping—and he had started dating again! Incredible!

Sadly, no.

What I can do is help remove the root cause of your struggles. You may still have work to do in this lifetime, but once the root is healed, transformation becomes possible.

Common Past Life Influences

  • Having trouble sleeping? Perhaps you were killed in your sleep, like my client above. Or maybe a loved one died that way. Some form of trauma occurred—perhaps even a home invasion while you slept.
  • Fear of water? You may have drowned in a past life.
  • Fear of heights? You might have been pushed from a great height.
  • Money troubles? Maybe you worked for a bank and believed you caused the 1929 stock market crash. (That one was one of mine… LOL.)

When you clear the past, you unlock the future.

Are you ready to step into the life your soul intended?

Click here to sign up for your session!

One-Hour Session


Payment is due prior to your session.

After purchase, sessions must be conducted within 90 days.

Each session is 60-minutes.