What exactly does it mean when people say “I need to get a life.”

Does it mean they’re too busy? Don’t have enough money? Want to get into a relationship?

Actually it’s none of the above.

It means they want to experience more joy.

Happiness is a moment.

Joy is a way of living.

Joy is something you feel deep inside of yourself. External circumstances cannot change it.

So how do you get to joy?

Practicing forgiveness and tossing the anger is one way. Another way is to live in the moment.

BE in the moment.

Okay, you might be thinking, So how exactly do I do that?

Well, I know most of you are reading this on your phone, so notice it. Feel it in your hands.

Close your eyes. What do you feel, hear, smell? Stay in this moment for a minute or two.

Now open your eyes. What do you see? How does the room’s energy feel? What do you smell? What do you hear?

Whenever I sit down at my desk to write, I always listen to music. So since I try and take my own advice, I just took my fingers off the keys to let the melody of the song I’m listening to seep into my soul. I sat here, allowing the music to envelop me for a moment. There were no deadlines, no rushing to an appointment or my to-do list, just a moment shared between the music and me.

How about taking a walk? Go outside and intentionally shift your thoughts to whatever you see and hear around you.

Can’t go outside? Then walk around your space (not kidding) and focus on the things that bring you joy! That picture you love in your bookcase? Pick it up and feel the joy. That figurine you got last summer? Smile and go back to that wonderful memory as you pick it up and hold it in your hand.

Joy isn’t some elusive treasure hidden at the end of a rainbow. It’s right here, within reach, waiting for you to notice it. By simply tuning into the moment—whether it’s through the sound of your favorite song, the feeling of the sun on your skin, or the smile sparked by a memory—you can cultivate joy in your everyday life.

So, the next time you catch yourself thinking, I need to get a life, remember: you already have one.

It’s happening right now. All you have to do is show up for it.

Until next time,
