We all watch television. Some more than others of course, but at some point, we all do. That means that we also watch the commercials! While it’s possible to fast forward through them in a recording, eventually you’ll have to sit through a set of them. As we stare at the screen, we’re bombarded by impossibly pretty people happily telling us about something great that we need to buy.

All good right?

Not exactly.

Have you REALLY looked at them?

Ron and I were watching television the other night and I noticed a commercial that struck me as REALLY negative. In fact, the negativity was so overwhelming that I found myself closely scrutinizing every commercial that aired during the evening.

Take a look at what I saw in the few hours I actually paid attention …

  • Feeling old? Just grab a handful of this scientifically dubious guaranteed-to-maybe-work anti-aging potion and be young again.
  • Suffering from chronic knee pain? Let’s play pharmaceutical roulette. Pop this pill and cross your fingers– it might stop the pain or give you a stroke.
  • Headache? Pill. Can’t sleep? Pill. Existential dread? You guessed it, there’s a pill for that. Sure, the side effects might include death, but hey, look at these happy smiling people! Pay attention to that.
  • See my bright white beautiful teeth? See all these young and pretty people partying with me? Yes, you can look like me if you use this toothpaste. You can have this life. Just buy the toothpaste and all this will be yours!

It was like playing whack-a-mole with my remote control – every time I changed the channel, another negative ad popped up. Gave me a headache.

Here’s the bottom line. There is no profit in health, much more money in sickness and fear. They want us to buy into the idea that we’re never healthy, wealthy, or thin enough, all so they can peddle their products or services.

There were NO commercials talking about preventive care through food, exercise and healthy living. In the two hours I watched, I only saw ONE COMMERCIAL about organic food.

Did you know that there is an entirely different world out there that they DON’T show you? A world where peace, unconditional love, and forgiveness live?

It’s all about your perspective. Personally, I choose to look at the world as a loving and beautiful place. I know the opposite is there, I just don’t focus on it. And when those commercials come on? I pay no attention to them because I don’t live in that world.

Listen, I am not telling you to stop watching television, I am merely suggesting that you don’t have to believe what they are spoon feeding you. You can choose a different perspective that doesn’t feed the fear trolls.

As a cancer survivor, I’ve come to see life as a precious gift. Every day I am here is a gift. Growing old IS A GIFT! I embrace my gray hair and wrinkles. Why? Gray hair and wrinkles mean that I am still here with all of you.

I genuinely believe that forgiveness, gratitude, and love is the only way you’ll erase fear.

Until next time,
