I’ve been getting some interesting calls lately. In the last few weeks, I’ve gotten more “panic” calls than I’ve had in a long time. The reasons for the calls vary. Some people are calling because they’re worried about money and a possible recession. Others call because the “you-know-what” has hit the fan and they need help figuring out what to do.

Since I’m really good at putting out fires, I thought I would share some tips when you come across your own “forest fire” .

First, let’s chat about your perspective and focus.

So, the “you-know-what” is hitting the fan right? It’s your entire world right now. You’re focused on it, dreaming about it, living it, breathing it, and trying to get out of it, am I right?

Well, there is a universal principle out there called the Law of Focus. It’s a natural law similar to the Law of Gravity, which is the one we are all used to. This law suggests that what you put your attention to … grows. So if you put your attention to fear, a lack of money, and start to think that the sky in your world is falling, then your “sky” will fall. If you put out negative thoughts and actions and constantly focus on the negative, you will attract negative back to you. It will become your entire world.

Conversely, if you put out positive thoughts and try your best to see the positive, then you will attract the positive back, and this will become your world. As the late Peter Jennings once said, “the mind/body connection has become serious science.” What you decide to focus on, and the direction you decide to go because of this decision, will determine your reality and its direction.

So as I said before, the crap is hitting the fan. How do you stop looking at it?

1. Focus on your future. Focus on where you want to go instead. I’m not telling you to ignore it (mostly because you can’t) but you sure don’t have to focus all your attention on it.

2. Stop watching the news. It teaches us to be scared, and reminds us on a daily basis what we should be afraid of. Here’s a horrible thing that happened, the media tells us. You should be angry, they imply. I’m not saying you should ignore it completely, but you don’t have to see it every second of the day right?

3. Find some pictures and/or empowering words and quotes and pin them somewhere you can see them every day. Pictures of where you want to go … limousines, private jets, your dream house, your dream office, your dream car, your ultimate vacation destination … whatever. Something that will remind you where you are going and what you are working towards. I have several on my own bulletin board, and a few taped to the bottom of my computer monitor, as they remind me on a daily basis where I am going.

4. Listen to music. Whatever music empowers you and makes you feel good. Dance. Sing out loud! It will lift you up.

5. Don’t listen to the naysayers who are saying you can’t or shouldn’t. Turn your ears off and run your life from your heart, not your head. TRUST what your intuition is trying to tell you. Listen to it, as it’s never wrong. Get quiet and focused and listen to that little bird on your shoulder. It knows the direction you should go, and it knows how to get you there. Trust it.

And what if the sky really DOES fall down on you?

That actually happened to me, more than once sadly. Want to know what I did when it happened?

I allowed myself to get angry for about 24 hours. I ate a pint of ice cream, took some long walks, and generally wallowed in it for a bit.

Then I calmed down and started to think. Once I realized the lesson I was meant to learn, I was able to stand up and dust myself off. Sure, it hurt like hell, but I was able to slowly move forward. I then forgave everyone involved (including myself), I forgave the energy around the situation, and the I moved on. I let go of all judgments, resentments, and anger. I let go of it all and walked away.

I then regrouped, refocused, reorganized, and tried again.

So keep going everyone! Don’t give up and keep your eye on the prize.

Oh … one more thing …

Do try and stop looking at that darn fan.



Want to learn more about how I did it? Stay tuned for my new book on Forgiveness. eBook should be available by January 2023 or sooner. Paperback to follow.